
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Plage de l'Anse Dumont, St Felix Guadeloupe


We are running out of beach to go!!! hahhaha it was funny when nico said we basically already went to all the beaches here in Guadeloupe but he forget that we haven't check the least famous and small beaches around. 

So today we heading to St. Anne again and decided that we will just follow the signage and stop at the beach we haven't went before. We end up at Plage de la Dumont, St Felix. 

The road heading to this beach is unpaved, parking is limited and by the road side. It was raining before we go and water pond is everywhere. 

The beach itself was just ok, plenty of dried algae on the beach but there's a lot of tree to take cover from. Since it was raining the night before, the water wasn't so clear and we had to swim among the leaves which is kind of annoying. 

BUT this is also where we had one memorable day at the beach. We were swimming among the leaves as i said before and get annoyed since it wasn't enjoyable. Then, i saw something and guest what? Its a baby turtle!!! 

I thought it was some drifted wood or something until i look at it closely. It has same color with the seaweed it use to drift around.  Nico already swam further from me so i had to guard the baby turtle carefully before nico arrived. I also thought that its dead since its not moving. When nico arrived, i told him to guard the turtle and i ran like hell to get my phone, thank god the baby turtle didn't escape by the time i came back. 

After few research on google, we came to conclusion that this might be Long Head sea turtle baby. Which apparently endangered and we don't know how its get near the beach since its wasn't hatching season in Guadeloupe. 

We took the turtle further from the beach and only can hope it will survive the rough ocean. We show the turtle to a family with kids and their mom get upset saying we shouldn't touch the turtle. Little that she knows that there's more predator on the beach and baby turtle can die in the hot sun. At least we know that we safe the turtle from becoming some house pet here in Guadeloupe. For more info on Long Head turtle, please read the link here. 

When we found the turtle, it was floating, yes floating on top of the seaweed. It didn't dive right back in even after we pick it up and put it back on the seaweed. We end up taking the turtle away from people around and further away from the beach, guard it until it decided to dive into the water. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Plage de Bois Jolan


This beach is another favorite beach in St. Anne. Its further up from St.Anne beach but not so far. If you coming from pointe-a-pitre, you will see plage de caravelle first, st anne beach and after that Plage de Bois Jolan.

There are 3 different parking area, one near to hotel, second in the middle and 3rd one further up the road. I suggest you take the 3rd one since the view is nicer at that area. We parked our car near to hotel and had to walk quite a bit along the beach.

The beach in Bois Jolan is small but plenty of tree to take covered. When we get there theres a lot of dried algae on the beach but non in the water. Its so pleasant to swim and not many people around too. Water is calm and perfect for family with kids or people who love to swim like us. 

Hari ini dlm sejarah


Kak ton punya level excited sampai kena tulis dlm blog. Kesahnye camni, pagini kak ton bgn awal sbb ada test ngan interview dkt OFII utk visa & immigration (camne tulis dlm bahasa melayu ek? imigresen?). Biasa office hour kak ton start kol 9, tu pun paling awal, pagini laki kejut kol 6.30 sbb tau bini dia bersiap lama. So sampai OFII punya la mamai. Batch yg interview harini ada dlm 10 org je.

Sampai sana kol 8, org tu bgtau kena amik test utk tau level. Test dlm 20min gitu, ada bape soalan tah tadi. Dia suh isi tempat kosong, buat short letter, etc. Soklan senang la sbb ingat dia nk suh conjugate verbs ke apa...punya la nervous masa memula sampai. 

Lps dh submit kertas soalan, dia panggil sorang2 and explain. Isi info dlm system jugak. Masa tgk turn org ingatkan dia interview tgk kita tau cakap ke apa, ye la dlm surat kata ada interview, rupanye tanya2 soalan utk dia isi dlm system je. Dh la nico takde masa tu, penat je cuak. 

Last2 org tu bgtau hari isnin ngan selasa ni kena attend kelas blaja law, history of france etc and kak ton tak yah amik french class yg beratus hours tu....LEGA BAK HANG! Awal2 plan nk merayu mintak 100hr je kalau dia suh amik 200. Tak mampu kot nk hadam kalau hari2 mengadap french, sakit otak. Kalau senang xpe.

So lepas ni boleh la kak ton blaja ikut kemampuan sendiri and tak yah laki susah2 nk pikir camne nk anta bini dia pegi kelas semingu skali. Habis kelas 8 jam next week tu, kira kes kak ton settle dah, 2 bln sblm visa mati kena pegi tukar visa baru, dia bg kad katanye. Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Anse Maurice Lagoon


Today we decided to heading north of Grand Terre to L'anse Maurice in Petit Canal. Our journey took an hour from Gosier and the weather is nice.

I was pretty excited when we arrived since the view was amazing from the road, its look like lagoon from far with turquoise color water.

When we arrived we were greeted by a view of family having a picnic, which is pretty standard view all over Guadeloupe beaches in fact. So we set up our own basket at the beach right under coconut tree (was it coconut?). Nico was hungry and insist that we eat first before we jump into the water. 

There are several family and couples swimming while we having lunch but they didnt seems to stay long in the water. From where we sit, it doesn't seems so bad except the smell. 

I go around for a little bit to digest and take picture after we finish lunch. And found out that the smells coming from algae all over the beach. There's plenty in the water too but we didnt want to jump to conclusion before we really get in the water.  

Later on, we try to take a dip. This beach was covered with stone which make it difficult to get into the water at the first place. Once u manage to do so, you need to go through all the floating algae and at least reach a little bit to the middle to enjoy clean water without disruption. The stone still there tho and the waves can be strong too. So now we understand why previous people didn't stay long in the water. 

Nico love swimming so much and he tried different area before giving up. We then packed our stuff and go further up to Le Moule in search for better beach to swim.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kenali Kg Guadeloupe


Lama nak cerita pasal kampung Guadeloupe ni, tapi tak sempat2 sbb dok pegi pantai kan lol. Basically sini, sama je macam malaysia. Yg lainnye, sini org itam, diaorg ckp french n creole, food pun lain, Tanah, paya bakau, pantai, cuaca semua sama. So takde la meroyan sgt rindu kat kg, kak ton rindu kat Pavilion, KLCC, Sephora ngan mak n abah je. 

Gambar2 ni kak ton amik masa dlm kete nk pi pantai, kebetulan haritu jem sbb ada kerja2 buat jalan, So sempat la snap. Area kak ton duduk tu mcm pekan sket, mcm kat ferringhi gitu, so tak byk umah yg nmpak kampung tp takde la high rise or building cantik2 pun. Kira upgrade sket la dr yg betul2 kampung ni. 

Tapi jgn tertipu, umah org sini besar2, mcm umah kampung kita jugak. Yg dok pekan mcm biasa umah sekangkang kera. Kadang2 tu umah tah ceruk mana, atas bukit yg takde org lalu pun. Tapi skali masuk ada seaview gitu. 

dpt bayang tak nyamuk banyak mana?

pokok sukun aka pain de sucre

mcm umah kat malaysia je kan

Haritu masa kat Marie Galante rumah org yg kitaorg dok tu buat jem, mcm2 jenis la. Ada belimbing, jambu, etc tp yg paling pelik dia buat adalah jem buah sukun, kak ton tak lalu nk makan, pelik sgt rs dia. Kak ton Ingat nk buat sukun goreng, tp seumur hidup tak pernah plak bersihkan sukun, Laki plak siap komplen dia tak pernah makan sukun, sapa tau camne nak buat?

Sini pisang pun bersepah, diaorg tanam pisang besar-besaran pastu export. Tapi pisang dia yg besar2 tu, xtau pisang apa. Kalau nasib baik jumpa la pisang emas dibawa belayar. Kat pasar ada jugak dia jual kerepek pisang, tp tebal2 tak mcm kita, so jenuh la nk kunyah, maklumla gigi dh tua. Kak ton suka mkn pisang sampai laki cakap kak ton monyet, jilake betul. Paling favorite masak ngan butter pastu drizzle ngan caramel, pergh sedap. 

Gambar bawah ni gambar kubur hokey. Sini kubur dia lebey kurang jerat cina jugak. Diaorg buat mcm rumah gitu and mostly kubur2 diaorg ni tepi pantai, some even ada seaview. Tak tau la kenapa kubur kena buat tepi pantai. Tp xde la rs takut kan sbb kalau diaorg jd hantu pun itam, tak nampak kot malam. hahhahahah 

Haritu sblm hallowen, 29hb Oct kot tiap thn public holday kat france ni. Diaorg panggil "Day of the dead" kot. Tiap thn pada tarikh ni org semua pegi bersihkan kubur, letak bunga plastic, sembahyang gak kot..tak tau la. Kitaorg lalu2 depan kubur nk pegi pantai tu nampak la, tapi takde apa yg special. 

Masa dkt St. Anne kitaorg ada pegi dia punye market, hari2 kot ada market ni. Market ni utk tourist sbb dia takde la jual sayur ke ikan kat sini. Buah ada jual sbb tropical fruits kan, mainland french ada yg tak pernah makan, so good business la. 

Org Creole ni makan pedas mcm kita jugak, masak pakai spices semua so bila org mainland dtg, sini kira mcm exotic la. Diaorg mana reti masak pakai spices ni semua. So kak ton dok sini, segala rempah ratus takde masalah, semua jumpa, senang nak masak. 

Mcm dkt sabah jugak, sini banyak la souvenir made by wood. Tapi....kualiti tak bagus. Nak beli pun rs mcm membazir je, dh la mahal. Kak ton tak minat sgt sbb mcm tak menarik pun nk beli

Vanilla pod kat sini murah, murah la dr beli kat supermarket sbb local made, tak import dr mana2. Yg penting fresh & senang dpt. Tapi boleh beli kat pasar malam je, so far kak ton tak beli lg sbb tak buat kek ke apa, brg semua dlm kontena lagi. 

Ha, yg ni nama dia sorbet aka ice cream (ehhh betul ke eskrem bahasa melayu?). Ni homemade mcm ice cream goyang tu, dia letak bahan kat dlm n keliling ice. pastu dia pusing2 bg ice cream tu pekat. Ni favorite kitaorg ni, kalau pegi St. Anne mesti makan chichi ngan sorbet coco (ice cream kelapa). Sorbet ni kalau cup kecik EU2, ada sizes ok..EU3 ngan 5. Tapi biasa yg cup kecik cukup dah. 

Yg ni chichi aka churros, so far kitaorg dh pegi merata pantai tp pantai kat St. Anne ni je ada jual chichi petang2 in the weekend. Diaorg jual 9 batang ngan nutella dlm EU3. Sbb chichi ngan sorbet ni la kitaorg gigih pegi St. Anne every weekend. 

Haritu kitaorg beli sarong tu utk pi pantai, sini ok gak la harga dia, diaorg jual EU13 satu. Kalau tempat lain, mau dlm EU20-25. Yg kelakarnye, skali tgk tag, made in indonesia. Sini kalau made in france mau EU100 jual, manpower mahal.

Nampak beg ni baru teringat nk kena beli beg utk pi pantai. Tote beg kak ton naik koyak dah nico dok perosok masuk segala barang. Rasanye mcm tak mahal, maybe dlm EU20-30 satu, yg ni beg anyam. Kalau baju tu tak yah beli la, balik karang pegi thailand beli lg bagus.

Basically semua org jual benda yg sama, kedai jual sarong ni bersepah. Pastu kedai jual spices n souvenir.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Club Med beach aka Plage de Caravelle


We always go to St Anne beach and decided this time to check other beach in the area. So our first choice is Plage de Caravelle at Club Med hotel, Guadeloupe. 

Club med beach located before city center St Anne if you coming from Pointe-a-pitre direction. You can easily see signage to the beach from the main road, but you have to parked your car by the road side and walk to public access just next to club med entrance. If you are lucky, there's plenty in front of the entrance but when we went there, it was full. We have to parked our car at the main road. 

This beach is long, starting from public access entrance until right in front of the hotel. So there's a lot of area for everybody, either you are hotel guests or public visitor. This is the view when you coming in from public access :

We walked all the way to right in front of the hotel and settled next to jet ski rental place. There's plenty more area further up to choose from. 

It was cloudy day, so the picture that i have wasn't look so great but the view still amazing and the water is clear.

The other side of the beach right in front of the hotel, beach bar and club med beach club.